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Return and Cancel Policy

  • Products are returnable within the applicable return window if you have received them in a condition that is physically damaged, has missing parts or accessories, defective or different from their description on our website.
  • Such returns may be asked for a return pick up. In case we can’t arrange a pick-up service, you need to send the same through reputed courier / speed cost to our address. Leveraa will reimburse the shipment cost if it is proven to be a qualified return.
  • Return will be processed only if:
    • it is determined that the product was not damaged while in your possession;
    • the product is not different from what was shipped to you;
    • the product is returned in original condition with manufacturer's box, MRP tag intact.
  • Wrong Product Order Cancellation: If customer request to cancel the order before shipping of materials from our warehouse, 5% of Bill Value is charged for order cancellation. If customer wish to cancel the order after Leveraa Shipment notification, cancellation charges will be 10% of Bill Value + 2-way shipping charges.